Activate Leader Zoro's effect to turn your 4000-power Characters into a serious threat to your opponent's Leader. Aim for a swift victory with this Leader by playing one low-cost Character card after another.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
Zoro's Leader effect has a better impact the more Characters on your field, so focus first on getting Characters onto the field.
Characters with 4000 power and 2 cost are the most efficient choice. "OP01-016 Nami", with 2000 power, will also be an asset later on once your Leader effect is applied.
Characters with [Rush] can attack immediately even if played later. Start by playing cards that take longer to attack.
Don't worry if you take damage to your Life from your opponent's attacks in the meantime—you will be using the Counters in your hand later on to protect your Characters.
Mid Game
Give DON!! cards to your Leader Zoro and launch an all-out attack. It may seem like an attack with 5000 power will be easily defended, but that isn't a problem because you will still be steadily depleting your opponent's hand or Life.
Play Characters with [Rush] to amp up the pressure on your opponent. If you establish a good balance between turns for playing cards and turns for attacking, your opponent will have a hard time keeping up.
"ST01-011 Brook" allows you to prepare for your next attack while giving rested DON!! cards to your Leader and Characters. This card works particularly well with Leader Zoro.
End Game
If your opponent's Life and hand are dwindling, switch to playing with an eye toward finishing the game.
If you have "ST01-012 Monkey.D.Luffy" or "ST01-016 Diable Jambe" in your hand, you can ignore Blockers and deliver a final blow.
However, if you don't have those cards, you'll need to stack your field with Characters to ensure you can land a finishing attack.
"ST01-015 Gum-Gum Jet Pistol" is a useful card for removing Blockers.
It can also be used in combination with "OP01-006 Otama" to deal with even the troublesome 8-cost "OP01-051 Eustass"Captain"Kid". Think strategically about when to use this move against green decks.