Use Leader Kin'emon's effect to play powerful Land of Wano Characters early in the game and force your opponent on the defensive before they can get their footing. Then, wrap things up with a crushing final blow from a 7-cost Kouzuki Oden.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
Kin'emon's greatest asset is that it enables you to put pressure on your opponent by playing cards such as "OP01-035 Okiku" and "OP01-121 Yamato" in the early stages of the game. "Okiku" is an especially powerful card when played on your first turn as the player battling second.
If you don't have these cards in your hand, use "OP01-041 Kouzuki Momonosuke" to search for them.
If you already have the opening cards above in your hand, you should search for the finisher "OP02-030 Kouzuki Oden" and "OP01-033 Izo" with its +2000 Counter.
Mid Game
Secure the board with effects that rest your opponent's cards and aim to bring out your finisher "OP02-030 Kouzuki Oden" with an original cost of 8 a turn early.
"OP01-048 Nekomamushi" is useful for dealing with low-cost Characters, but it can make using your Leader effect difficult if it remains on the board.
Make sure to always think ahead and consider your moves in the next turn.
End Game
Use the Activate effect of "OP02-030 Kouzuki Oden" to launch a series of powerful attacks and reduce your opponent's Life.
Blockers deployed by your opponent for protection can easily be dealt with by your Leader's attack if rested.
Protect your Characters who have attacked by playing wide with low-cost Blockers.
Although it'll be difficult to meet the conditions for your Leader effect, you shouldn't be too concerned about this effect once you've secured a strong board advantage.