RECOMMENDED DECKS(Green/Yellow) Arlong
This deck takes advantage of Arlong's Leader effect to play cards with Triggers while attacking. The green deck tactic of resting and attacking Characters gets a helping hand from extra Characters to quickly pick up the pace.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
For this deck, you will need to start collecting Character cards with a [Trigger] in your hand before anything else. Since both green and yellow decks have Trigger Characters, secure powerful cards by searching with "OP03-030 Nami" or "OP03-112 Charlotte Pudding".
Using your Leader effect from your second turn is by no means a bad approach, but using your Leader effect while you attack your opponent's rested Characters gives you a chance to gain a board advantage immediately. Playing "OP01-035 Okiku" and then aiming to activate your Leader effect on the next turn is also a strong move.
Mid Game
As the number of DON!! cards increases, it will become easier to use your Leader effect and effects that rest your opponent's Characters at the same time. Combining "OP01-035 Okiku" and "OP03-024 Gin", or setting up "OP01-058 Punk Gibson" is also effective. "OP03-025 Krieg" works well with rest effects and, if unleashed at the right time, can afford you the upper hand in a single move.
In the endgame, playing Characters with your Leader effect becomes less important. When using Krieg's effect, it is best to trash Trigger Characters you have a surplus of, or cards without Counters.
End Game
Trigger Characters are limited to 5000 power, making them less influential in the endgame.
Once you reach this point, drive the game home with cards like "ST07-010 Charlotte Linlin" and "OP03-028 Jango" that are powerful on their own.
Arlong's Leader effect is not limited to once per turn. If you can still manage it with your hand in the endgame, try to combine it with "Jango" to play 3 Characters at once.