This relatively proactive black deck hinges on Air Door to deliver a fierce beatdown by playing medium-cost CP Characters one after another. Leader Rob Lucci's effect boasts finishing power capable of overwhelming an opponent who has begun solidifying their defense.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
"OP03-094 Air Door" will support all the moves you make with this deck, making it possible to prepare both your trash and the board in one move. In order to use this 4-cost card as quickly as possible, try to go second and mulligan to find an "Air Door".
"OP03-094 Air Door" will support all the moves you make with this deck, making it possible to prepare both your trash and the board in one move. In order to use this 4-cost card as quickly as possible, try to go second and mulligan to find an "Air Door".
Mid Game
Use Characters produced by your "Air Door" to attack your opponent relentlessly. Starting with the 7000-power "OP03-085 Jabra", consume your opponent's Life cards and hand through a fast rush of cards with around 6000 power. Since this deck struggles to deal with powerful Characters, focus on your opponent's Characters with around 5000 power and leave the rest alone. For defense, you can rely on the removal-resistant "OP03-090 Blueno"'s [Blocker].
Prepare for "Blueno"'s [On K.O.] effect by using a Character with a type containing "CP" as a Counter in advance. If you can get "OP03-082 Kumadori" into your trash, you can set up a 6000-power chain formation.
End Game
A high power attack by your Leader with DON!! cards attached is a double blow that cannot be stopped by a single Blocker. Aim for a lethal blow to a weakened opponent with the Leader or Character "Rob Lucci". The Leader's effect is effective against low-cost Blockers and for cleaning up the board.
Even K.O. effects like those of "OP03-080 Kaku" and "OP03-093 Wanze" can activate your Leader effect— just make sure to attack with your Leader first. You can also aim for your Leader's effect by attacking your opponent's rested low-power Character with one of your Characters, ensuring your opponent suffers whether they defend their Character or let them be K.O.'d.