This deck is composed mostly of {Sky Island} type cards and makes full use of yellow's Life-referencing effects. Though you start with only four Life cards, the Leader effect grants near-limitless durability. Leverage cards that grow stronger when you have little Life remaining, then press your advantage to crush the opponent.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
This deck mostly features {Sky Island} type cards, including early-game options, removal methods, Counters, and finishers.
Use "OP05-106 Shura" and "OP05-117 Upper Yard", your primary searchers, and fish for whatever your hand is missing.
In terms of defensive strength, the Leader effect of "OP05-098 Enel" is truly unmatched. Early on, don't focus too much on defending against your opponent's attacks. Rather, aim to draw [Trigger] cards from your Life.
"OP05-105 Satori" is especially powerful, boasting Counter +2000 and the option to play it with a [Trigger] effect. Keep a close eye on your hand as you search for the ideal time to play your Characters.
Mid Game
Starting with less life than other Leaders can actually be an advantage.
For one, it transforms Characters like "ST07-003 Charlotte Katakuri" and "OP03-108 Charlotte Cracker" into useful mid-game attackers.
With a bit of luck, "OP05-101 Ohm" allows you to play two Characters at once. His power also rises to 6000 once your Life decreases enough.
Make use of your search resources and aim to play "OP05-110 Holly" alongside "OP05-101 Ohm".
End Game
"OP05-098 Enel" can tank an opponent's attack every turn at the cost of a single card, meaning you won't lose your last Life card easily.
From that state, using "OP05-115 Two-Hundred Million Volts Amaru" will allow you to unleash high-power attacks while resting an opponent's [Blocker] Character.
Your Leader's Life-recovery effect activates when you lose Life during your opponent's turn, even when it's not from damage.
Pair it with the [Once Per Turn] effect of "OP05-100 Enel" to create the ultimate [Rush] attacker, who can avoid whatever removal comes your way. Just be sure to watch out for Monkey.D.Luffy, Enel's natural enemy!