This is a deck made up of high-performing red and purple FILM cards, including Characters from the ONE PIECE film archive. Take out your opponent's Characters with your Leader's [When Attacking] effect while using DON!! cards to harness powerful high cost cards with confidence.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
Although the [When Attacking] effect of Leader "OP06-001 Uta" consumes {FILM} type cards in your
hand, this powerful effect guarantees the addition of a DON!! card and clears a path to dealing with your
opponent's Characters.
Make proactive use of your Leader's effect while also securing the cards you want in the latter half of
the game with "OP06-013 Monkey.D.Luffy".
"OP06-009 Shuraiya" is a powerful {FILM} Blocker that can use its +1000 Counter to stand up to any enemy Leader, no matter how tough. Deploy it early on to minimize your consumption of Counters.
Mid Game
Deploy medium to high cost Characters before your opponent and apply pressure with high power.
"OP06-074 Zephyr (Navy)" has a powerful effect that can K.O. even formidable and stubborn Characters
such as "OP02-018 Marco" and "OP02-114 Borsalino".
The [On Play] effect of "OP05-007 Sabo" can be used in combination with your Leader's effect to K.O. Characters with up to 6000 power, allowing you to deal with most 4 to 5 cost Characters. Get it in your hand at the right time and you will be well-placed to quickly gain an advantage in the mid-game.
End Game
Aim to play "OP06-007 Shanks" if you can afford its 10 cost.
As one of the Four Emperors, Shanks can K.O. a Character with up to 10 cost, allowing you to dominate
the game.
Use two types of "Gild Tesoro" to replenish your hand while your Leader consumes your cards.
In particular, harness "OP06-071 Gild Tesoro" to reuse the {FILM} type Counter +2000, retrieve Blockers
trashed in the early game, or search for a finisher with "OP06-013 Monkey.D.Luffy".