This Vegapunk deck uses {Egghead} type cards with diverse [Trigger] effects. Although the Leader has the major drawbacks of starting with 2 Life and being unable to attack, its [Activate: Main] effect makes up for it with its power. By playing characters and recovering life, it shows surprising sustained combat power.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
This "OP07-097 Vegapunk" deck is extremely unique in that its powerful Leader effect comes at the cost of Life 2 and being unable to attack.
With the [Activate: Main] effect that can both recover Life and take out cost 5 or lower Characters, you can start playing characters aggressively from the frst turn without Life concerns.
You'll want to hold power 6000 {Egghead} type Characters like "OP07-101 Shaka" and "OP07-098 Atlas" in your starting hand.
Although "OP07-111 Lilith" is power 5000, she has a powerful [On Play] effect letting you search for {Egghead} cards among the top 5 cards of your deck.
Since Vegapunk makes it difficult to supplement your hand from your Life after taking damage, this is an important way to fill out your hand.
Mid Game
In the midgame, you can play one card at 1 cost, and then use the DON!! Cards left over to make other plays.
Once you've got enough out in play, instead of expending your hand you can use DON!! cards aggressively to strengthen Characters.
"OP07-098 Atlas" is epspecially hard to deal with in battle, so you'll want to go on the attack with him.
"OP07-117 Egghead" is a vitall way to protect attacking Characters when Vegapunk makes it hard to build your hand.
If all your Characters aside from "OP07-098 Atlas" and "OP07-105 Pythagoras" are active, you can draw attacks to your Leader and use [Trigger] effects to play other cards.
End Game
Try to play high-cost Characters capable of restoring Life. In this deck, "OP07-119 Portgas.D.Ace" gives you easy access to [Rush].
If your opponent has an imposing field presence, use the Leader effect for recovery to fight on with your remaining Characters.
From the cards your Leader effect places in your Life, choose cards with [Trigger] effects to respond to attacks in the coming turns.
If you place {Straw Hat Crew} cards with K.O. and resting [Trigger] effects or "OP07-101 Shaka" with [Blocker], it won't be easy for your opponent to win.
"OP07-115 I Re-Quasar Helllp!!" can be used not just in a [Counter], but also placed in your Life to better protect a once K.O.'d Shaka.