RECOMMENDED DECKS(Red/Green) Tony Tony.Chopper
A strong in numbers {Animal} type deck.
Tony Tony.Chopper supports characters with the {Animal} type in this offensive red/green deck. Use cards that play {Animal} types directly from your deck, paired with the Leader effect to strengthen 3 {Animal} Characters, bringing attack power with the swarm.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
This Tony Tony.Chopper deck contains many {Drum Kingdom} and {Straw Hat Pirates} cards. "OP01-016 Nami" and "OP08-015 Dr.Kureha" can be used to gather the important "EB01-009 Shut Up and Come With Us!!" and the various Tony Tony.Choppers.
"EB01-009 Shut Up and Come With Us!!" has a powerful Counter that can play {Animal} Characters of up to cost 3 for just 1 cost.
If you can play your cost 3 Tony Tony.Chopper in response to your opponent's 2nd-turn attack, you should be able to seize control of the game.
Mid Game
Aim to play "OP08-007 Tony Tony.Chopper" since it lets you play other Characters both on play and attack.
If you play "OP04-010 Tony Tony.Chopper" from your deck, and cards such as "OP08-012 Lapins" and "OP08-010 Hiking Bear" from your hand, your opponent should have trouble dealing with it.
If you can keep your Characters in play until the next turn, the Leader effect of "OP08-001 Tony Tony.Chopper" will boost their power for attack!
You can repeatedly replenish Characters using "OP08-007 Tony Tony.Chopper" and "EB01-009 Shut Up and Come With Us!!"to go on the attack without fear of K.O.
End Game
Characters played by your opponent can be dealt with by "OP08-118 Silvers Rayleigh," then using your advantage in Character numbers to whittle down their Life.
Effects lowering power and effects K.O.ing based on power can be used with "EB01-006 Tony Tony.Chopper" and "OP08-012 Lapins" to great effect.
By using "OP08-016 Dr.Hiriluk" in addition to the Leader effect, your Tony Tony.Chopper Characters can get a major boost in power.
Get through the opponent's Blockers and Counters, and go for a win before they can play their large Characters.