RECOMMENDED DECKS(Purple/Yellow) Charlotte Pudding
This purple/yellow deck solidly covers both DON!! and Life.
A Charlotte Pudding deck mixing purple's DON!! acceleration with yellow's powerful {Big Mom Pirates} type cards. If you can play the high-cost Charlotte Linlin a turn earlier than normal, you'll dominate in Life and field presence.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
This Charlotte Pudding deck makes stable use of the yellow "OP03-112 Charlotte Pudding" and the purple "OP07-077 We're Going to Claim the One Piece!!!"
Gather the Charlotte Linlin you'll need for the endgame while building your hand so as not to use up your Counters.
The strength of "OP08-058 Charlotte Pudding" is that its Leader effect can steadily add DON!! without expending your hand or Life.
While making sure to use its {When Attacking] effect from the second turn, you can take opponent attacks with regard to the [Triggers] of your visible Life.
Mid Game
In order to use the Leader effect twice or more, you'll need to flip your top 2 Life face-down.
If you can flip one with your opponent's attack and one with "OP08-063 Charlotte Katakuri," you'll be able to add 2 DON!! on the third turn.
When the opponent doesn't attack your Leader, your Life may remain face-up.
You can turn it all over with "EB01-052 Viola," but if the opponent's deck isn't fast, you can also use "EB01-056 Charlotte Flambe" to reduce your life and powerfully speed things up.
End Game
Once you've speedily increased DON!! With your Leader effect, play the high-cost Charlotte Linlin before your opponent has assembled their attackers, giving you an edge in Life and field presence. Keep in mind that "OP08-069 Charlotte Linlin" can also be used just for Life recovery when your opponent has no powerful Characters.
"OP08-077 Conquest of the Sea" is a powerful Event letting you K.O. 2 mid-size Characters at once.
You'll lose 2 DON!! cards, so be careful whether you'll be able to use the 9-10 cost Character you want in the next turn.