RECOMMENDED DECKS(Purple/Black) Monkey.D.Luffy
This {Straw Hat Crew} deck is built around cards that make use of multiple DON!! cards. Its Leader effect compensates for these high costs by replenishing spent DON!! cards. If you manage to play the high-cost "Monkey.D.Luffy" before your opponent is ready, you can easily turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
The Leader card "OP09-061 Monkey.D.Luffy" allows you to replenish 2 DON!! cards when your DON!! cards decrease by 2 or more for the first time during your turn. This enables you to make strong use of purple cards that typically require a large number of DON!! cards, even in the early stages of the game.
Take advantage of this and trigger your Leader's effect by using the [On Play] effect of "OP09-076 Roronoa Zoro" to deliberately return more than two DON!! cards to your hand!
This results in a powerful DON!!-ramping strategy, as you not only increase your total DON!! cards by 1, but also set 2 DON!! cards as active.
In the early game, when neither player sees much change in their DON!! card count, you should have 1 more DON!! card than your opponent during your turn.
In this situation, you can use the [Activate: Main] effect on "OP08-074 Black Maria" as a way of getting your hands on an additional DON!! card, as it will trigger your Leader effect when your DON!! cards decrease at the end of your turn!
Mid Game
Your [DON!! x1] Leader effect isn't just for protecting your Characters from your opponent.
By giving a DON!! card to your Leader and then playing "ST14-003 Sanji", you can meet the conditions for its [On Play] effect with a single card, allowing you to easily K.O. an opponent’s 5-cost character.
"OP09-077 Gum-Gum Lightning" is a K.O. Event card that pairs perfectly with this Leader. By using its [DON!! −2] effect, you can activate your Leader's ability and K.O. any of your opponent's Characters with 6000 power or less at essentially 1 cost, without actually reducing your DON!! cards.
However, be careful on turns when you've already triggered your Leader's effect with another card, as in that case, the [DON!! −2] effect will end up reducing your DON!! cards!
End Game
After spending some time building up your DON!! cards and K.O.'ing your opponent's Characters, you can switch to offense with the high-cost "Monkey.D.Luffy".
Choose which version to play based on the situation: if you don't have many Characters, opt for "OP05-119 Monkey.D.Luffy", but if you do, "OP09-119 Monkey.D.Luffy" is the better option.
"OP09-078 Gum-Gum Giant" is a powerful [Counter] Event card that can only be used by {Straw Hat Crew} Leaders.
In this deck, which includes many cards without Counters, it plays a crucial role by allowing you to swap out unneeded cards while also bolstering your defense.