A red deck centered around Characters from the {Red-Haired Pirates} led by "Shanks", that excels in both offense and defense. Using your Leader effect to give your opponent −1000 attack every turn, you can solidify your defenses and build up for a sturdy endgame even with a mono-red deck.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
This {Red-Haired Pirates} deck combines various offensive and defensive options, including effects that lower your opponent's power, removal and cards with Rush.
Cards such as "OP09-002 Uta" allow you to control the cards in your hand, creating a good cost curve as the game goes on.
If you're playing second, the 4-cost "OP09-015 Lucky Roux" is key in the early game, while the 5-cost "OP09-013 Yasopp" takes that role if you're playing first.
Your Leader's reliable effect, which can be activated when your opponent attacks, gives you a guaranteed way to defend against 1000 power each turn.
This allows you to neutralize a 5000 power attack, forcing your opponent to choose between either using their DON!! cards to expand their board or making an effective attack.
Mid Game
By combining effects that reduce power with removal effects that target based on power, you can effectively deal with your opponent's Characters.
You can use the [On Play] effect on "ST15-002 Edward.Newgate" to activate the [When Attacking] effect of "OP09-013 Yasopp", allowing you to easily K.O. a Character with 6000 power.
"OP09-009 Benn.Beckman" is an extremely useful card that can remove both Characters with [On K.O.] effects and Characters that cannot be K.O.'d.
If you think your opponent is preparing to play a powerful Character, consider playing "OP09-008 Building Snake" or "OP09-011 Hongo" in advance.
End Game
Use your Leader effect to preserve your Life cards and hand, while safely playing high-cost Characters to press the attack.
By the time you play "OP09-004 Shanks", your opponent's Characters with lowered power will struggle to defend both their board and Life cards.
"OP09-014 Limejuice" not only boasts a +2000 Counter, but is also an effective finisher with the ability to disable one [Blocker] for a turn.
It’s a card you’ll want to keep in your hand until the last moment, ensuring you don't miss the opportunity to secure victory on your next turn.