Activate powerful effects by adding New Fish-Man Pirates type Characters to your hand at the cost of your Life.
While you will need to withstand your Life cards being drained by your Leader's effect, this monochromatic green deck boasts surprising deployment and offensive power.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
The "Hody Jones" {New Fish-Man Pirates} deck is composed of {Fish-Man} and {Merfolk} type cards.
"OP06-025 Camie" has an excellent [On Play] effect that can be used to draw either type.
The {New Fish-Man Pirates} type has many lightweight Characters with powerful effects to make up for your Leader's limitations, including "OP06-030 Dosun" and "OP06-029 Daruma".
Activate the Trigger effect of "OP06-031 Hatchan" to apply more pressure on your opponent than they expect.
Mid Game
Although your Leader's [Attack: Main] effect prevents this Leader from attacking,
you can use it to rest your opponent's DON!! cards and low cost Characters, while nullifying the loss to Life with your Characters' effects.
You could also use offensive effects, starting with the Character deployment effect of "OP06-024 Ikaros Much", to launch an attack without using your opponent's Leader effect, depending on the situation.
You can use "OP06-023 Arlong" to block the next attack of your opponent's Leader by trashing 1 card from your hand. If your opponent's Leader has a [When Attacking] effect, you will be able to upset their strategy with just one move.
End Game
"OP06-035 Hody Jones" is a strong finisher that can attack with [Rush] while resting Blockers and DON!! cards, although it will cost you a Life card.
Use your Leader's effect as needed to eliminate Blockers and Events across the board and aim for a lethal attack.
Because the "Hody Jones" deck consumes Life, it is important to play defense at minimal cost to prevent your opponent from attacking you into defeat.
While K.O.'ing your opponent's powerful Characters with the 2 cost "OP06-033 Vander Decken IX",
ready "OP06-038 The Billion-fold World Trichiliocosm" and use DON!! cards to attack.