This Boa Hancock deck rapidly plays {The Seven Warlods of the Sea} type cards. Even if you use cards for removal, the Leader effect will let you replenish cards to keep your hand stocked. Seize overwhelming victory using the deck's ample resources.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
Begin by trying to play 2 Characters using "OP07-045 Jinbei." You can use the [On Play] effects of "OP07-046 Sengoku" or "OP01-073 Donquixote Doflamingo" to search for Jinbei. Once he's in youd hand, you'll want to find a {The Seven Warlords of the Sea} type Character card with a cost of 4 or less other than [Jinbe] from your hand. The best candidate is the high-power "EB01-023 Edward Weevil" also capable of drawing.
Even when it can't be used along with "OP07-045 Jinbei," "EB01-023 Edward Weevil" is quite strong.
It's good to aim for the combo of them, but keep in mind the possibility of playing Edward Weevil alone.
Mid Game
If you can play Characters before your opponent, you should try to keep that presence in the game.
Removing their Characters or using "OP07-051 Boa Hancock" to obstruct them will let you go on the attack.
When you remove Characters, your Leader effect lets you draw cards, so you'll be able to go without exhausting your hand.
The Leader effect of "OP07-038 Boa Hancock" can only draw when your hand is 5 cards or less.
Using Counters aggressively to protect your attacking Characters and using your Leader effect each turn is the best course of action.
End Game
Make sure to have removal cards ready for when your opponent plays high-cost Characters.
"OP07-051 Dracule Mihawk" is powerful alone, but can also be used in this deck to let your Leader effect draw.
If you have "OP07-057 Perfume Femur" in your hand, you should focus on getting your opponent's Life to zero.
Push through with powerful attacks before your opponent builds blockers, then use Perfume Femur to bypass their blockers in the next turn.