A {Minks} type deck that excels in interference.
This deck focuses on {Minks} type cards that keep rested opponent Characters from becoming active again. By using the effect of the Leader Carrot to rest low-cost opponent Characters and impeding them, you'll be able to safely play high-cost green Characters.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
This carrot deck uses cards of 2 types: {Minks} and {Donquixote Pirates}.
Use it to seek out low to mid-cost {Minks} and high-cost finisher {Donquixote Pirates} cards.
"OP08-039 Zou" is a useful Stage that can make both DON!! cards and Characters active.
The Leader effect requires a {Minks} card to be in play, so don't forget to activate whem attacking with "OP08-034 Wanda" or other such Characters.
Mid Game
By using Carrot's Leader effect to rest opponent Characters, you'll be able to get an edge.
The effects of cards like "OP08-022 Inuarashi" and "OP08-023 Carrot" prevent opponent Characters from becoming active again, allowing you to reduce the opponent's life.
The [On Play]/[When Attacking] effect of "OP08-023 Carrot" makes it a great attacker that can impede opponent Characters.
For Characters with K.O.-resistance or troublesome [On K.O.] effects, you can stop them up without K.O.-ing them.
End Game
Once you gain ground by resting opponent Characters, you can use "OP04-031 Donquixote Flamingo" to totally stop their attacks.
When used together with the Leader effect, it can take action against opponent Characters all at once.
By using "OP04-119 Donquixote Rosinante" to play "OP08-023 Carrot" and "OP07-026 Jewelry Bonney," you can stop the opponent while building attackers.
If you can protect "OP08-023 Carrot" and "OP04-119 Donquixote Rosinante," with their powerful [When Attacking] effects, from opponent effects, it'll be a tough fight for your opponent.