RECOMMENDED DECKS(Red/Blue) Caesar Clown
A {Punk Hazard} deck that specializes in removal.
This red/blue control deck uses Leader "Caesar Clown" and its [When Attacking] effect to K.O. your opponent's Characters. While the powerful K.O. effect has a heavy cost, you can maximize its potential by reusing the {Punk Hazard} Characters that are repeatedly returned to your hand.

Card List
Products Used in This Deck
Deck Breakdown
Early Game
This deck makes use of the powerful [When Attacking] effect of "OP10-002 Caesar Clown" that can K.O. Characters with 4000 power or less.
To activate it, you will need to give it 2 DON!! cards as well as have a {Punk Hazard} Character with a cost of 2 or more.
Start by trying to play "OP10-016 Monet", which provides solid support for both of these conditions.
If you return "OP10-016 Monet" to your hand with your Leader effect, you can play it again on your next turn.
Try to keep "Monet" in your hand at all times to ensure you can K.O. your opponent's Characters when needed.
Mid Game
Once you are ready to use your Leader's [When Attacking] effect, focus on removing your opponent's mid-cost Characters while playing your own.
Turn the board in your favor by playing "OP10-009 Smiley" with "OP10-006 Caesar Clown" and using it to reduce the power of your opponent's Characters.
If you can't lower the power of your opponent's Character below 4000, consider returning it to their with "OP08-047 Jozu".
While you'll need to return one of your own Characters to your hand as well, choosing "OP01-006 Otama" or "OP10-004 Vergo" allows you to reuse them when you play them again.
End Game
In the endgame, your opponent will likely play high-power Characters that your Leader "Caesar Clown" cannot easily K.O.
Use combinations such as "OP07-002 Ain" and "OP10-020 Gum-Gum UFO" to K.O. any particularly troublesome Characters.
"OP07-015 Monkey.D.Dragon" is a powerful [Rush] Character that also fulfills the conditions for your Leader's [DON!! X2] effect.
Use your Leader's effect to K.O. your opponent's weaker [Blocker] Characters while aiming to deal a decisive blow before before they can fully assemble their forces.